Character is so very important to instill in your child: I have suggestions for building it.

As you know character counts in life, we are known by our character traits and as parents we need to build our chlid's character as best we can. If we raise our child to have good character when they are adults they will be better able to make good choices and also have a better and happier life.
First of all we need to teach our children to be honest, be truthful, be genuine and to be trustworthy. All of these character traits are very important. The way to teach honesty is to be honest ourselves: if a child sees a parent perhaps taking something from the grocery and taking paying the cashier then they will assume this is alright and they will do the same at one time or another. If a parent lies to the child or to a friend or a family member, this teaches a child that lying is acceptable.
If a parent is always trustworthy and keeps their word to their child and expects the same in return the child grows up being trustworthy. Being genuine is the same: if you are just yourself all of the time and not someone you shouldn't be, then your child will learn this also.
Being forgiving is another character trait that is very important, a child needs to face the situation, if they have done something or have been angry to another then you will have to be sure that they talk out problems with you and also with the person they have hurt.
Respect is a very valuable character trait, a child needs to learn to be considerate of others and also of the differences they may have with others. Manners are very important as they are a sign of respect. They need to learn to take care of things even at an early age when they have their first toys, they can be taught to respect items and not destroy them.
Being fair is very important, be fair with your child always and expect the child to be fair also and teach them to share and take turns and try not to be jealous of others.
Being a good citizen is another important character trait, showing respect and being involved in the community. If your community has a clean up day then get out with your child and help pick up paper and trash and participate in the community, this is the start of being a good citizen.
If you will take the time to teach your child these values I have listed and try to be the best person you can be as an example you will have done the very best you could as a parent.
Repost from "Essortment - Your Source for Knowledge"