Philippine Navy - 3 Inch Cal. 50 Gun

3 Inch Cal. 50 Gun @ Headquarters Philippine Navy

3 Inch Cal. 50 Gun is a Dual Purpose Gun primarily designed for surface target but it can be used against low lying target and shore bombardment or naval Gunfire Support. It has the following characteristics:

Muzzle Velocity  -------------- 2,700 fps.
Max. Horizontal Range ------ 52,000 ft.
Max. Vertical Range --------- 21,500 ft.
Max. Range Ceiling ---------- 29,400 ft.
Length of Barrel -------------- 150,25 in.
No. of Grooves ---------------- 24
Mount Weight ------------------ 7,817 lbs.
Overall Weight of Gun & Mount --- 9,667 lbs.

Headquarters Philippine Navy,
Naval Station Jose Andrada,
#2335 Roxas Boulevard, Manila


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