Most Exciting Zip Line at Southern Leyte, Philippines

The country’s longest, highest, steepest and most exciting zipline is located at Agas-agas Adventure Park – the Zip Southern Leyte!

With a length of almost 1 kilometer, it’s the longest in the country today.
Average ride duration of 30 seconds. Have the highest elevation equivalent to a 30 storey building.

It’s the steepest. Having the largest angle of decent makes for having speeds upwards of 110kph, depending on body weight. A rider weighing 40kgs reaches a max speed of 100kps; one weighing 65kgs can reach speeds of up to 140kph.

The Agas-Agas Adventure Park is a 2-hour drive from Tacloban City via the Maharlika Highway at the famous bridge connecting the towns of Mahaplag, Leyte and Sogod, Southern Leyte.


Credits: gerryruiz photoblog - Zip Southern Leyte Soft Opening (Part II - Zipline Experience)

Experience the Zip from this video (Credits: dbgg1979)


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